Public voting ends
Join our esteemed group of partners for BOLD VI Edition HERE

Boldest Crowdsourced Online Platform

Presented by

Online Platform

Who has the boldest online experience and engagement?

Crowd related online platforms that can demonstrate achievement of clear business milestones over the last 3 years will be rewarded in this category. We will consider the platform’s approach to crowd participation, platform design and functions.


Nominees will be picked based on the following: Level of Impact 40%, Scalability 30%, Transparency 20%, H-factor 10% (Human & Social). Be BOLD!

Standard Submission.

The BOLD Awards will be a rewarding event for amazing projects, individuals and companies. After submitting your project, our team will review it within 2 weeks. If your project is accepted, it will appear online and votes will start on February 9th.

Submissions are open starting from November 20, 2018 and will be closed on February 8, 2019. Submitting a project will be completely free until January 25th, 2019. After this date, a €25 fee will be applied for each entry. Out of this fee, €5 will go to H for Human Foundation to facilitate access to education, encouraging young people to follow their passions.

*IMPORTANT* First submissions have priority in the judging process! If you’re not first, you’re last, be BOLD!

awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

Request an INVITE

Gala Dinner Tickets are €1275 per seat which includes a 3-course dinner and drinks. A €50 deposit is required to reserve your seat(s) at the end of this form. The deposit is refundable if not selected to participate. If accepted, the deposit will be deducted from the ticket price.

To upgrade your existing ticket or transfer your ticket to another name, email sarahj@bold-awards.com.