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JENTIS Case Study with Pixum

Pixum collects up to 29.2% more conversions and corrects 55% of customer journeys for better attribution and budgeting with JENTIS Server-side Tracking.

Tracking Preventions, Ad-blockers and legal changes complicate the data collection for Online Marketing. With this realization and affected by first ramifications, Pixum started to look for a solution at the beginning of 2021.
Björn Prickartz, Head of Analytics & Conversion, quickly identified server-side tracking as a perfect fit. Due to the GDPR and the ePrivacy directive Pixum assessed various European solutions. With JENTIS they found an innovative partner, who focuses on data quality and protection with an advanced and mature technology.

Together they developed a first party data strategy, which increased the number of collected conversions up to 29.2% (11.4% with the same consent setting plus up to 17.8% with the JENTIS Privacy Mode) and positioned the business ideally for the compliance with the GDPR and the ePrivacy directive. Additionally, the improved data quality was put to the test in Pixum’s attribution tool of choice Adtriba. Because JENTIS corrected 55% of customer journeys, single session purchases decreased by more than 20% compared to the original data collection method.

Now, Pixum uses the JENTIS technology and tool connections to align media budgets, conduct exact analyses again and leverage data privacy for their competitive advantage.

Data uplift: +29.2%
Equal consent +11.4%
Privacy mode up to +17.8%

First Party
+55% accurate cookies

Single session purchases
Correction of -20% to 2.6%
New budgeting

Projects evaluation criteria

Level of Impact



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