Engine90 is not a static consulting firm. We assemble the expertise needed for each client. We use open source tools when possible so a client can own the work. We use client terminology rather than teaching them buzz speak. We leave behind no reports, just self created action plans built around their resources. We leave knowing they are in good hands.
Imagine your company has a listed valuation of $250mm with $50 mm cash in the bank. You have three business that are all strong, one in hand bags, one in slippers for the house, one in shoe inserts. All very profitable. Operationally beyond perfect, investors love the company. What’s wrong?
‘We missed the ballerina flat trend’. ‘We missed the backpack trend’. ‘We are missing trends because we became focused on operations and couldn’t see elsewhere’. It was a matter of time till it hit the bottom line.
In 90 days… create the plan to hire strength from a competitor that puts wheels on luggage. Invest in new consumer research. Stop doing some activities so we can pay for it all. In 90 days a direction was set, an action plan in place, a new energy created within the company. It wasn’t a consultant’s report that told them how. Engine90 built this with the leadership team, step by step. No buzz, no noise, no reports. 90 days. 90K. Budget neutral.
The Engine90 framework is a highly dynamic Platform created to work on many levels within a company as well as within a department, or within a discipline within a company. In mathematics this is known as a fractal. To call it a 9Element would miss the point of the many purposes it is designed to serve. As a Platform, it is the gathering point for the work of other Partners, as well as it is the mechanism by which client companies will discover their strengths, and the actions they can take to build on those strengths.
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