To Face the increase of Airbus plane and Helicopter demand the Groupe studied sevral ways to improve their after sales by reducing the plane or Helicopter time of maintenance.
After sevral months of studies and POC Airbus have choosen Sphere Augmented Remote Assistance Solution to be deployed.
What made the difference?
- On prem deployement to be compliant with airbus security group
- Easy to use solution
- possibility to custom and integrate Airbus in house tool.
- working on any device : smartglasses, tablet, smartphone, XR headsets
But mot of all Beta testers came back with high rates of improvement saving hours of work.
Here is a video of the 2024 demostrator :
And a plane that can figh more has a higher value.
Now the solution is deployed and used by the all airbus group to improve their after sales operations
But neverless, the solution is also used by airbus subcontractors and customers.