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ARuVR® is the world’s first Extended Reality (XR) Learning Platform revolutionising the way XR training courses (AR, VR, MR) are designed, delivered and managed


HR and L&D leaders are challenged to find new ways to recruit, engage, upskill and retain an increasingly distributed workforce. We all know the quality of instruction is essential for any business and sometimes compulsory for employees. The current employees’ learning resources & technologies, and traditional training programmes (Blended Learning) are not effective anymore.


Extended Reality (XR) – including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) – has gone from something you find in a gamer’s bedroom to a dream and innovation in learning and now to an integral part of a learning ecosystem. XR Learning is now the ultimate evolution of training – Blended Learning 3.0 – providing users with proven pedagogical benefits and strong ROIs and help equip today’s workforce with the skills and knowledge they need to perform in today’s fragile economy. Where traditional courses are time-consuming or tedious for staff and may suffer low levels of engagement and retention, XR brings the experience to life.

However, XR content creation is not a cheap and easy to use to implement. In fact, creating XR experiences require specialist skillsets, time, high production costs, and constant refreshing. And, regarding the users’ content consumption, XR is a lonely experience, where instructors cannot guide the users’ experience, interact with them, or have access to real time data to help the learners. Moreso, many XR experiences require expensive headsets for a full deployment.

ARuVR® has developed an all-encompassing learning product platform that solved all these problems and challenges.


ARuVR® makes it incredibly simple to create Extended Reality (AR, VR, MR) training courses using Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine. Now L&D teams can create and deliver engaging training and collaborate together in a safe, cost-effective, truly memorable way.

ARuVR® is the world’s first turnkey, enterprise-grade Extended Reality learning platform for people who aren’t XR experts. As easy to use as PowerPoint®, as connected as Cisco Webex® and more immersive than traditional MS Teams® calls.

In summary, the multi award-winning and worldwide patented ARuVR® learning platform has three main product components:




ARuVR® integrates with any existing corporate platforms, LMS, LXP, or intranet and also works for both on-site and remote audiences. Experience and interact with 360° and 3D environments in a XR headset, a browser, on a PC, phone or tablet. Save time and money while reaching everyone within your leaners, wherever they are.

ARuVR® is the first XR learning product in the world to achieve ISO27001, the highest-level international certification in Security Management Systems for design, development, hosting and support of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality systems.

ARuVR® learning technology has been granted 15 patents for its ground-breaking immersive learning system. On December 2022, ARuVR® become one of the most secure, trustworthy XR platforms on the market and become the first XR enterprise in the UK to receive supplier status for both G-Cloud-13 and Crown Commercial Service.

In 2023, ARuVR® also becomes the first XR platform to be awarded the “Accredited Learning Technologies” provider status by LPI (Learning and Performance Institute). This recognises the ARuVR®’s dedication to high quality and process improvement in providing learning, development, and training products to clients. ARuVR®®’s overall KPIs score was near an outstanding 100% across all sections.


Designed for content designers who aren’t XR experts, being ‘no-code’ and having a near-zero learning curve. ARuVR® learning platform provides companies also with millions of VR and AR assets ready to use as well as a 360-degree Images AI Generator from text prompts with just a click.

Trainees can consume the resulting immersive courses and experiences both On-Demand (asynchronous, single-user experience) and in Instructor-led sessions (synchronous, multi-user experience). ARuVR® learning platform also provides XR Live Streaming which is the capability to ‘tele-transport’ remote users to a real place, from anywhere, with the location coming to them, so they can be there in real-time.

ARuVR® brought to life the Experiential Learning theory. ARuVR® XR learning Platform offers enterprises a place to create these holistic learning experiences that can move learners through the entire experiential learning cycle.


ARuVR® platform has been trusted and deployed by many international organisations and has over 1million business XR users. Find below some feedback on ARuVR® learning product platform from leading enterprises.

“I was really impressed by ARuVR software. What attracted me most, was that we were in charge and could develop our own content as simply as using any other rapid digital authoring tool – there’s no coding involved, its wizziwig and its really straightforward.”

Louise G. – Group Head of L&D, The AA

“VR for me was something wildly expensive and completely out of reach. Now with ARuVR, our teams are producing XR materials at very quick pace, if you can use PowerPoint you can use ARuVR. XR enables individuals to learn how to make fries, cook a burger, health & safety, etc. Learn it virtually and then go to execute it.”

Leigh W. – Head of L&D, Five Guys

“ARuVR has provided tremendous benefits to NEOM. Every immersive experience developed and delivered via ARuVR has overachieved our expectations in terms of user engagement, satisfaction, and performance.”

Mansoor H. – Director Emerging Technologies, NEOM

“ARuVR has made it realistic to move beyond written process instructions and realise immersive, interactive, effective learning experiences. ARuVR has transformed the way we’re thinking about knowledge transfer within our business.”

Robert C. – Product Manager, LEONARDO

“ARuVR is a powerful learning tool and we have impressed by its ease of use. Every immersive training we run is a huge success both in terms of engagement, learning and results.”

Simon F. – L&D Lead, BP

“ARuVR has put immersive production capability in the hands of knowledge experts. ARuVR has helped us demonstrate the potential VR use cases within DVSA.”

Huw D. – Business Lead, UK Government

“ARuVR enables us to provide students with a scalable, cloud-based industry-leading AR and VR rapid application building platform which will help them to develop the skills required to meet the demands of business across multiple sectors.”

Professor Rajkumar R. – Executive Dean, City University of London

“Thanks to ARuVR, our new colleagues can experience everything that happens in YNAP’s global offices and distribution centres the day they arrive, immediately creating a holistic understanding of our business in a way that was not possible before.”

Lucas F. – Global L&D Partner, YNAP

“Reflecting on our collaboration with ARuVR, innovation in training is not just about embracing new technology; it’s about transforming our approach to learning, making it more engaging, efficient, and tailored to the modern needs of our staff and the rail industry.

Sodi K. – Digital Learning Manager, ScotRail

“ARuVR proves to customers how VR has finally come of age in the enterprise space and can be used to deliver real value in an infinite range of L&D and Sales & Marketing scenarios.”

Rob M. – Innovation Manager, BT

“ARuVR enables Mintra to support our customers with a solution which enriches the training experience while at the same time reduces risk and increases efficiency.”

Siren B. – CTO, MINTRA

“With ARuVR enterprise customers can now quickly create VR presentations in-house with near zero-learning curve for their marketing, sales and L&D divisions.”

Mike M. – Business Director, SAMSUNG


ARuVR® proofed and provided stunning benefits to both learners and companies. ARuVR® learning product has brought to live these benefits in a way which was never possible before.

The two examples below show more specific benefits from a couple of ARuVR’s clients:

UCL HOSPITALS transformed modern Surgical training with ARuVR® XR learning platform. The learners’ benefits were:

  • Significant increase in learning retention (up to 75%)
  • Higher engagement amongst students (up to 90%)
  • 20,400% student ROI (cost savings)
  • Zero wasted time for travelling
  • Zero travel and accommodation costs
  • Zero expenses and extra costs

The UCL Hospitals benefits were:

  • 3x student capacity
  • 100% reduction in the risk of contamination during live surgeries
  • 168% ROI (extra revenue)
  • Zero carbon emissions

Dr. Manish Chand – Associate Professor of Surgery – UCL Hospitals: “ARuVR’s platform and user experience are excellent, and perfectly demonstrate the capabilities of the technologies in the medical learning space.”

COCA-COLA transformed warehouse & logistic training and empowered workforce with ARuVR® XR learning platform. The benefits were:

  • 15% increase in learning retention compared to traditional classroom training
  • 100% reduction in employee risk exposure
  • 75%+ increase in the efficiency to train employees
  • 80% increase in employee training engagement
  • 70% carbon emissions reduction
  • Ability to monitor and improve results in real-time combined with live scoring and assessments

Jorge Suarez – Corporate Safety Leader – Coca-Cola: “With ARuVR we are now able to safely educate and inform our employees by using an intuitive Extended Reality (XR) platform which completely removes training risk. ARuVR has transformed the way we interact, train and develop our colleagues in a safe, scalable and above all simple to operate solution.”

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Jhih Yuan

awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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