During the LUNCH BREAK we use digital to bring together workers with people who cook at home and generate RELATIONS AND INCOME and EMPOWERMENT for INACTIVE PEOPLE. 120 Millions in EU (17 in Italy) of inactive people are at home every days (much more if we consider also unemployed), feeling lonely and wanted to earn something other 70mio (12 in Italy) are working, and want to have a daily lunch break less stressful. Inactive people show few social relationships and economic insecurity that limit their well-being, thus determining an increase in welfare and healthcare costs.
Our CHALLENGE is to use the food to become the new lunch break model, the "Airbnb of food" with a vertical lunch break offer. SoLunch is a matching platform that promotes off line relationships and income between inactive people already cooking at home with people working nearby or tourists . We consider of great value the possibility to use of existing assets opening millions of kitchen already active during lunch break to create a community and match people off line, to achieve heavy social innovation impact with a strong business model profit. The revenue stream is based on service fee and payed events B2b, b2c to make people met, create network and empowerment also through a more effective use of food, against food waste to improve the quality of life and well-being. With the platform and App one can book, pay and rate peer to peer lunches cooked and offered at home during lunch break for a fee by inactive people to workers or tourists. SoLunch guarantees a profit for the home chefs and new relationships simply adding an extra plate on the table. Our vision infact is to connect million of people who already cook for lunch at home with the millions eating outside home daily. Involving only a small percentage in 3 years we’ll reach more than a half a millions with more than 6k lunches daily, therefore 6k new relation and income and millions of data thanks to AI introduction.
Since 2015 when we were semi finalist at European Social Innovation Competition we are working on validation idea and product fit with 3 000 early adopter developing the technology also introducing AI algorithm also thanks to a crowdfunding campaign, the support of The City of Milan and accelleration programs in SocialFare Turin and SDA Bocconi.
Now we can we can rely on the strong partnership and advisory of The Future Food institute and the European investment bank network as we got the final in Social Innovation Tournament.
We are now one of the three European finalist at the MIT Innovation Challenge in the Growth & Innovative work category
We do have the ambition to quickly dominate the market and now we’r looking for a seed funding to consolidate Milano area and spread the model all over Italy and EU creating a community that use existing assets create a strong community and million of data to profile.Steps | Log in -> Vote project -> Vote now -> Confirm Vote -> Be BOLD