![Bold Awards](https://bold-awards.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/award-symbol.png)
TISEI (www.tisei.com) is privacy-friendly People Search Engine which intends to automate the "word-of-mouth" recommendation process when looking for someone that you can trust. Apart from the multiple uses that a Digital Identity platform could have, at this moment we are encouraging people to use TISEI in order to share their skills/talents/resources with people close to them, and build small local projects/communities that with small actions can improve the world. The actions of thousands of local communities joined together could be the remedy to the global problems that the currently threatening the planet: environmental sustainability, social and economical justice etc. Additionally, the privacy of our users is our top priority, being our mail goal that we citizens are able to control our Digital Identity, first hand and without intermediaries. TISEI offers an alternative that avoids the situations of pervasive online surveillance performed by governments, data brokers and large corporations, which make use of Big Data for their own goals, being these not always aligned with those of the individuals. More info in our Manifesto https://bit.ly/2rXBnez
Steps | Log in -> Vote project -> Vote now -> Confirm Vote -> Be BOLD