Join us in Venice, Italy for BOLD Awards 5th edition
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Bold Awards

The Good Lobby

The Good Lobby

The Good Lobby is a non-profit civic start up committed to equalizing access to power for a more democratic, and inclusive Europe. Through a pioneering crowdsourcing approach, we help people like you to turn their cause - be it about rights, environment, health, or digital surveillance - into an effective advocacy campaign.

By mobilising and empowering citizens through unconventional alliances with and among NGOs, progressive companies, social entrepreneurs and foundations, we foster assertive citizenship so as to create a more accountable and responsive political process all across Europe and beyond.

We believe that every citizen can make a difference in their community. We inspire and help citizens organise in ‘good lobbies’, enabling them to balance the undue influence of special interest groups. Only when acting with the expertise and strategic support of a variety of other actors, can citizens influence major policy decisions, by holding their political representatives accountable and sharing new solutions with them to protect and foster the common good.

Our impact at glance

110+ leading NGOs and grassroots assisted, by providing them with trainings and high-level expertise

Since 2015, almost two thousand pro bono hours were delivered thanks to our services, which translates to over half a million euros of billable hours.

220K+ People upskilled
We offered capacity building opportunities in 21 countries across the world, engaging with citizens, disadvantaged groups, and professionals.

We have a rapidly growing group of followers that engage with us and our activities on a regular basis.

3 offices in Brussels, Milan and Bilbao and scaling happening in Brazil and Japan.

The founder - Alberto Alemanno - has been nominated Ashoka Fellow in 2019 and Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2015.

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