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Staying connected in this new age starts with a BOLD conversation

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Democratizing Space

Democratizing Space Frontier:
Next Generation of Space Tech & Innovation

Space has never been the limit for technology and innovation. Enormous new possibilities and opportunities for space tech are opening up through open innovation and crowdsourcing.

Discover how NASA and the private sector have set up an entrepreneurial space ecosystem that has the flexibility to pursue innovations more aggressively.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • The latest trends and developments and how these can unlock further opportunities
  • How to accelerate collaboration and partnerships to drive innovation in space
  • Why open innovation and prize challenges lowers risks and costs for all stakeholders involved
    and much more

Meet our BOLD Speakers

We gathered our BOLD Awards judges and movers in Space Frontier and Crowdsourcing!

Dr. Kaminski serves as program executive for prizes, challenges, and crowdsourcing at NASA HQ in Washington, DC, where she develops strategies to expand the space agency’s use of open innovation methods in its research and exploration activities.

Amy Kaminski

Program Executive

Marc is the CEO of the Luxembourg Space Agency. He heads the Luxembourg Delegation at the European Space Agency (ESA) and represents Luxembourg in the Council of ESA. He has been the vice-chairman of the ESA Council until June 2020. He is Government Commissioner at SES and Member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Marc Serres


Ricardo is an entrepreneur and investor, and a Co-founder of Lisbon-based Beta-i, one of the world’s most active startup accelerators. He has helped more than 900 new businesses grow and thrive by offering 360-degree innovation services ranging from acceleration, events, and corporate innovation to education, investment, and community.

Ricardo Marvao


Epi is the Founder & CEO of Crowdsourcing Week, a global platform that is uniting thought leadership on the crowd economy. He is one of the pioneers in the crowdsourcing ad space. Through his work and mission with CSW, Epi has transformed cities, communities and brands across the world.

Epi Ludvik

Founder & CEO

awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

Request an INVITE

Gala Dinner Tickets are €1275 per seat which includes a 3-course dinner and drinks. A €50 deposit is required to reserve your seat(s) at the end of this form. The deposit is refundable if not selected to participate. If accepted, the deposit will be deducted from the ticket price.

To upgrade your existing ticket or transfer your ticket to another name, email sarahj@bold-awards.com.