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DAOstack is an open-source project advancing the technology and adoption of decentralized governance.

It's an operating system for collective intelligence and a new form of human association: the DAO. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations have captured the imagination of the best minds in the blockchain space, but despite their promise have yet remained unachievable. A central missing element is a solid framework for decentralized blockchain governance, and in particular scalable and resilient governance protocols that can support the processing of large number of crowd decisions effectively. At the base of the DAO stack, Arc is a modular and adaptive framework for governance and collective value management over the blockchain.

Just as HTTP allows the creation and interoperability of web sites and web applications, Arc allows the creation and interoperability of web companies, collaborative apps and DAOs, as well as the crypto-economic alignment of their interests. Implemented with novel Holographic Consensus protocols that allow a scalable consensus, the result is a new web of open collaboration, in which global networks can self-organize around shared goals and joint action. We believe that DAOs will impact every territory of life and will jumpstart the evolution of society toward a more cooperative and sustainable future.

DAOstack has created 30+ DAOs with over 6,000 stakeholders individually governing up to $100,000 per month.

Summary - https://medium.com/daostack/an-explanation-of-daostack-in-fairly-simple-terms-1956e26b374

Whitepaper - https://daostack.io/wp/DAOstack-White-Paper-en.pdf

DAOstack UI to access DAOs - alchemy.daostack.io

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awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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Gala Dinner Tickets are €1275 per seat which includes a 3-course dinner and drinks. A €50 deposit is required to reserve your seat(s) at the end of this form. The deposit is refundable if not selected to participate. If accepted, the deposit will be deducted from the ticket price.

To upgrade your existing ticket or transfer your ticket to another name, email sarahj@bold-awards.com.