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Bold Awards



Energy is the ultimate currency.

Energy lets you get water, grow/cook food, power tools, devices, machines & vehicles, communicate, build, heat or cool homes & buildings, make light at night, etc.

If anyone can get Energy instantly delivered anywhere without any infrastructure then all the world will be connected: people and firms need Payments, Energy and Telecoms to live, trade and work - wherever they are in the world.

2.7 billion people has no access to clean cooking and heating facilities (mostly in Asia and Africa). Global-WAN would dramatically change their life and foster economic development at marginal costs.

Developed countries need to reduce CO2 and pollution. Global-WAN does it but also makes room for unprecedented freedom with infinite-range electric vehicles (much cheaper and lighter because without batteries) and ubiquitous telecoms (even in caves, tunnels, and immerged submarines - a feat that radio-waves cannot match).

For 25 million euros, we will design and manufacture USB "chargers" able to keep smartphones up and running wherever you are. We want to use this tiny gadget as a mass-market "proof-of-concept" to convince the whole industry to adopt Global-WAN as an alternative to the fragile and costly critical infrastructure we all share today.

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awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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