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Bold Awards

Fata Morgana – 3D virtual teleportation

FMBrain (2)-4595e7e6
Imagine you have a high-level task or emergency to take care of in one of your manufacturing plants, yet all specialists are out of sight. Could someone highly-qualified chip in remotely and help onsite workers perform the task as elaborately and safely as they would, had they been there? With VR and AR “teleportation” software, they can.
Fata Morgana allows “virtual teleportation” – using Microsoft Hololens 2, a local worker can create a LIVE 3D scan of the environment (e.g. heavy machinery to inspect) and collaborate inside of this scan with a remote worker, who can access this 3D scan either in VR or via PC. They can safely communicate, add instructions or comments, document the whole process using Fata Morgana and photos.
Fata Morgana utilises Microsoft HoloLens 2 hardware to create a 3D scan of an industrial environment. To overcome the technical limitations of its 3D reconstruction mesh, which includes a lack of range, low-quality depth estimation and missing parts of depth images, FM uniquely combines novel methods of rapid photogrammetry and neural networks. This enables users to obtain a precise, high-quality 3D reconstruction of an industrial environment in real-time.3D rendering of the space allows multiple experts to independently navigate the virtual environment and cooperate both asynchronously and offline. Remote experts can use the virtual representation to gain a more in-depth spatial understanding of the environment. FMB enables users to remote obtain precise measurements, 360-degree views and insert markers/comments within the virtual environment allowing complex, technical maintenance issues to be solved remotely in a much faster and effective way than using existing technologies.
The future is in data fusion – merging H2H and H2M communications. We at Pocket Virtuality have achieved another breakthrough in this area – Fata Morgana OS is now able to connect any robots or drones supporting the ROS operating system, connect their sensors to our system and control them remotely. If we will see people on Mars in the foreseeable future, technology like ours will definitely be needed there!
Fata Morgana is used in our clients production environment and naturally one of their most common initial concerns is the security. We are proud that our AR/VR Fata Morgana system has been developed to have military grade security.
To name just few of our features:
 – end-to-end encrypted communication
– no cloud computing needed, can function completely on-premise
– ability to blur the distant background right on the Hololens (!), so no information about other parts of production gets recorded or sent
That is why Fata Morgana has been proven secure in the nuclear power plant environment, military industry, and leading manufacturers in highly-competitive/innovative industries.
Fata Morgana is unique in is ability to be operative, create a 3D scan in real time and allow for remote collaboration, while enabling communication with machinery and robots, creating thus a powerful platform for human-to-machine interaction.

Projects evaluation criteria

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awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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