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TreeDefi | The First Eco-Friendly Yield Farm ?

Real World Applications allowing investors to have a real world impact by offering the opportunity to offset their CO2 footprint.

TreeDeFi is a prominent Decentralized Finance platform and AMM which allows users to exchange, deposit and farm cryptocurrency tokens while helping the environment.

We are currently operating on the Binance Smart Chain and our main product is a Yield Farming app and a Carbon Friendly AMM. We also use a third of our deposit fees to fund our nonprofit activities, so users who operate on our app drive an impactful change.

More at whitepaper.treedefi.com


One of our main feature is to offer companies and individuals the possibility to offset their CO2 emissions. For this reason, we developed the first eco-friendly NFT Marketplace, which lists NFTs backed by real planted trees.

More at nft.treedefi.com

For each NFT from our marketplace, there is at least one tree planted with its own story, location and updated pictures. 

Every NFT includes basic information such as Tree Name, Birth date and place, and the unique Identification Code. 

Our platform also showcases the amount of CO2 absorbed by each NFTree, giving the ability to the users to convert this amount in a CarbonCredit Token, representing the tokenization of the CO2 abosorbed. This allows our users and our unique protocol to fight Cryptocurrency Carbon Footprint.


Unique Addresses: 15.000+

Total Value Locked: 14 Millions

ATVL: 38 Millions

Market Cap ( SEED + TREE ) : 10 Millions

Average Daily Volume: 1.1 Millions

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awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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To upgrade your existing ticket or transfer your ticket to another name, email sarahj@bold-awards.com.