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Bold Awards


Online makerspace solution Giving the industry understanding what products are used for after they are sold The project connects to 10 out of the 17 UN SDG's

Youblob is an online makerspace solution that puts the Makers and their DIY projects in the front seat. The project have been ongoing for 10 years, and with the introduction to blockchain and smart contracts Youblob found a market-fit for their incentivized functions through Cardano.

Youblob opens up for open collaboration around ideas within every major subject and enables Makers to earn a living as a Maker.
Youblob embrace open source and have embedded their incentivised models through smart contracts, allowing for also to create Teams around ideas, and the possibility to convert and sell ideas in the open space.
Manufacturers will understand what new iterations their products have been used for after they are sold.
Organizations will understand what each member in their organization have created and what value it generates locally.

Pitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfnXxv722ZA

Short introduction of each key functionality.

For Makers
  • Native wallet upon registration.
  • Publish Blueprints.
  • Convert Blueprints into NFT’s.
  • Sell your ideas as Blueprint NFT’s.
  • Earn incentives from owning Blueprints as Blueprint Owner.
  • Earn incentives from your own Blueprints as Blueprint Author.
  • Convert your Blueprint into a product on the open marketplace.
  • Create Teams and collaborate on the same Blueprint.
For Makerspaces/Organizations
  • Subscription handling for your local Makers.
  • Collect information about your members projects, and understand value generated in your local community as a Makerspace/Organization, to easily apply for more funding through their municipality.
  • Booking calendar for the Makerspace equipment reserved for your members.
  • Stock handling with automatic refill when certain threshold is reached.
  • Sell components to members that can grab directly from your stock.
For Distributors
  • Connect your existing e-commerce site to Youblob through our API. Magento, Shopify, Drupal Commerce etc. will be supported.
  • Automatic warehouse handling for new and deprecated products from Manufacturers.
For Manufacturers
  • Understand what your products have been used for after they are sold, and new functions/iterations they have created.
  • Expand your distribution network as easy as sending a “friend request” i.e. Distributor request.
  • Set the incentive model on your products that Makers will earn from using your products in their Blueprint.

    Projects evaluation criteria

    Level of Impact



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    awards ceremony dinner // Lisbon (March 28th)

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