Young Finance is a content platform for financial literacy dedicated to Young Readers (15-18 years old) with a video series, a book and a school tour.
The project is led by Il Sole 24 Ore, the leading economical and financial newspaper in Italy. The aim of the project is to help reduce the information gap on financial topics on younger audiences based on a phigital approach in multiple formats:
- a video series with pills of economical and financial lessons on topics from basics definitions to new finance and crypto, hosted by an editor from Il Sole 24 Ore in conversation with young and famous italian creators with a proven track record and background in the topics covered. Visual is engaging, rithm is bold, tone of voice is fresh.
- a book with schemes, suggestions and interviews to give a more in depth analysis.
- a school tour, where we collect call for partecipations from the schools and we phisically go with editors and creators into the classrooms with special lessons on finance using interactive tools, live polls and open the discussion with the students. The lessons are also supported by learning materals.
Young Finance was also present with live sessions at some relevant national events such as Salone del Libro di Torino (the main book fair in Italy) and Festival dell’Economia di Trento (our main event with Nobel Prizes and dozens of speakers from all over the world disussing around the future of Economy).
We, as a global community, need students to be prepared for the future. Students need us to support them in the process.