Jobs for skilled freelancers are booming, and it doesn’t matter whether your skill is in marketing, tech, design, law, logistics or accounting. More and more companies are turning to gig platforms to find skilled freelancers to fill a wide array of openings. For existing businesses, it makes sense that companies use outsourcing to increase productivity, tapping in to professional resources only when needed. At the same time, starting your own company today has become incredibly easier. The internet has reduced or removed many traditional barriers and allows entrepreneurs to find the professional support they need.
Freelancers who source work through online platforms can find immediate and straightforward access to opportunities to work flexibly – when they want, in many cases from where they want, and to work on a project basis to develop skills and expertise to add to their CV. And if a tempting offer of fulltime employment comes through they can weigh it up. Here are 10 of the top platforms, which we selected to provide a variety of examples.
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